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September Cochrane & Area Stats

Cochrane Over the past few months, easing sales did not offset earlier gains, as year-to-date sales were nearly six per cent higher than last year. However, like other areas, new listings in Cochrane have been on the rise, and the 50 per cent sales-to-new listings ratio this month helped support

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Welcome to Sunset Ridge Community in Cochrane

Welcome to Sunset Ridge Cochrane Located on the western edge of Cochrane, Sunset Ridge sits just north of 1A Highway and east of Cowboy Trail. The location provides easy commutes to and from Calgary for work and a quick day trip or weekend away to Canmore or Banff. Just as

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Welcome to Jumping Pound Community in Cochrane

Welcome to Jumping Pound! One of Cochrane’s newer communities, Jumping Pound is a highly desirable location offering homeowners a mix of friendly neighbours and amazing views of the Toki Nature Reserve and mountains.  Only minutes from Cowboy Trail, Jumping Pound is an ideal community in Cochrane for anyone with daily

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Why Cochrane is a Great Place for Seniors

Nestled in the foothills of the Rockies, just west of Calgary, the town of Cochrane is a great place to live, especially for seniors looking for a peaceful and active retirement. A safe and friendly community with low crime rates, the residents of Cochrane are incredibly welcoming and inclusive. It’s

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